Analyzing malicious files with antivirus software

The active development of cyberspace entails a massive proliferation of viruses, which even the most reliable antivirus does not always cope with. It is not advisable to install two such utilities, since they will constantly come into conflict, greatly slowing down the operation of the electronic device.

Alternative solutions for reliable information protection

Есть приемлемый выход из сложившейся ситуации использовать VirusTotal. Фактически это системы антивирусников, проводящих ANALYZING MALICIOUS FILES онлайн. Довольно удобные сервис, работает быстро и практически безошибочно, использует для функционирования около 50 платформ антивирусов.There is an acceptable way out of this situation to use VirusTotal. In fact, these are antivirus systems that analyze malicious files online. Quite convenient service, works quickly and almost flawlessly, uses about 50 antivirus platforms for functioning.

Of course, the main disadvantage of this method is that there is no option to install the utility on a stationary computer. Therefore, files are scanned only upon a forced request. There are also restrictions on the number of checks and the size of scanned files.

HerdProtect is similar to VirusTotal, but has a number of significant differences:

The disadvantage of the program is the lack of real-time protection. By default, only those files that are loaded when the computer is turned on are scanned. The rest of the software is scanned on demand and also with a number of restrictions.

Additionally, our site contains tools for checking Word, PDF files. Some of them require download and installation, others work like VirusTotal online.

Another reliable way to track a virus is to detect it by the outgoing traffic of the local network. PCAPs is one of the programs installed on a computer that helps to identify the causes of dropped traffic, among other things.

Such software is especially useful for those who surf the Internet on a home or office electronic device. Registration of business transactions – can be reliably protected using a set of these utilities, online services.


This resource is focused on collecting information using free programs, websites, mobile applications, etc. The main goal is to help people find resources that make it possible to get information for free.

Initially, the materials were collected focusing on information security. However, many resources from other directions were added later. Please email us if you think we have forgotten something.

The OSINT Framework project is taken as a basis.

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