5 tips for better mobile app security

What is mobile app security?

Virtually every person who uses a computer probably knows about the existence of computer viruses and the dangers that come with them. But did you know that your smartphone can also be attacked by hackers and malware? Most people don’t think about smartphone malware, but it definitely exists and can be quite dangerous. This is where mobile app security comes in – the goal of mobile application security practices is to protect owners of mobile devices from digital fraud, viruses and hackers in general.

Why is mobile app security important?

Most businesses pay close attention to cybersecurity when it comes to their employees’ work computers, but when it comes to smartphones, few companies consider the possibility of fraud and hacker attacks that can affect their business. This can be a dangerous mistake, as most employees use their personal phones to at least check their work emails, some use Slack and other company communication apps and sometimes even store sensitive company information on their phones. If any of this information is compromised, the consequences can be significant.

Dangers of mobile apps

If a person who doesn’t practice proper mobile app security measures downloads an app infected by malware, a few things can happen. The person can have their online banking login credentials or credit card information stolen. In addition to this, hackers can steal the identity of the smartphone owner, get access to their work and business information and computer networks, or copy all the text messages on the phone and search them for sensitive information. All of this can result in significant financial losses and damage to businesses.

What apps can be dangerous?

You might think that only sketchy apps created by small developers or companies may be dangerous. This is only partially true. Yes, you probably won’t find dangerous malware in apps created by large companies and organizations. But unfortunately, most of the apps created by large developers and popular companies have serious security flaws that hackers can use to impersonate a brand and create similar apps that contain malware. In fact, over 30 percent of companies who released their own apps never tested the apps to check for security risks. In addition, as much as 95 percent of mobile apps have some significant security flaws.

Tips for security for mobile apps

Conduct digital security training

One of the best ways to prevent hacker attacks is to educate your employees about the dangers that mobile apps can bring and help them learn how to identify malware, phishing and other hacker attacks and what to do when this happens.

Keep an eye out for fake apps

Having a fraudulent mobile app impersonate an app that your business has created can be incredibly harmful for your business reputation. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the internet for apps that appear to impersonate yours, use your logo, company name, etc.

Don’t download apps from third-party websites

Only use trusted websites and official app platforms to download mobile applications and provide your employees with a list of platforms and sites that are safe for downloading apps.

Don’t save passwords

While saving your passwords on the device or in the browser can be very convenient, it can also be dangerous, as hackers can get ahold of these login credentials and use them to gain access to other devices, accounts and networks.

Implement encryption

In order to prevent company information and communications from being compromised by hackers, have your IT department implement robust encryption of all company communications and data.

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    Vitaly is a principal consultant at Hackcontrol as wall as aa business and IT thought leader. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, account management and is a specialist in cybersecurity.