Malware detection – how to cope with that

The life of an ordinary enterprise sometimes throws incredible twists. During this period, IT department employees have every chance to show why they are needed. In fact, testing systems for malware should be regular, but at the same time it can distract other employees from everyday work.


There are some signs, by which you can understand that the system is infected.

  1. A decrease in the speed of the PC, and, especially, a sudden decrease.
  2. Opening and closing browser windows without your intervention.
  3. The appearance on the desktop of extraneous files, icons, links.
  4. Banal redirection of your browser to links that you did not click on.

Of course, prevention is the basis of the fight against viral pests. For this, large companies draw up information security protocols that relate not only to direct concern for maintaining confidential data, but also to protecting internal networks and individual PCs from viruses.

Complete computer isolation is not always an option. Regardless of the type of employee’s activity, they often need access to the Internet. By depriving your subordinates of this opportunity, you are likely to deprive them of their chances of self-development and independent searches for solutions to problems, not to mention creative search.

More loyal ways of protection are:

  1. Search and implementation of a powerful protective system that can regularly scan, analyze and eliminate malware. Behind every intelligent system there is a person – there simply has to be an employee who can monitor the effectiveness of the program you have chosen. He will also regularly update it, and in case of inefficiency, he will offer alternative options.
  2. Monitoring staff web visits will help identify weaknesses in your protection. If employees unintentionally click on malicious links or download potentially dangerous applications, there is a need to explain the degree of threat to them. Perhaps, after some time, make a list of the so-called “forbidden sites.” Those units whose employees are constantly forced to look for something on the Internet should be better protected than others.
  3. The previous paragraph should have led you to the idea of ​​creating protocols of behavior on the network and generally to maintain a culture of Internet use in the company. Usually this is a comprehensive document that governs the issues of access levels to information, the use of personal and corporate passwords, personal responsibility for opening corporate information, as well as the behavior of employees regarding the public brand on the Internet.

Therefore, the creation of the document is often not only the work of the IT department. A concise, understandable instruction will help employees circumvent sharp corners and better understand the requirements of the founders. With its rational implementation, no one should feel restrained.

  1. Tell employees that they can afford to be universal, but really only need to do what they are good at. This means that the issues of PC settings and internal networks are not in their competence. This rule should become fundamental, because out of ignorance, many people themselves admit danger into their space.

Why do employees turn off the antivirus? Sometimes security software prevents you from accessing the network, or giving other employees access to a file. But not everyone knows that it is not necessary to disable the antivirus. You just need to change its settings, temporarily or permanently.

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2. We will check your company and describe the workflow.

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    Vitaly is a principal consultant at Hackcontrol as wall as a business and IT thought leader. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, account management and is a specialist in cybersecurity.