Phishing Simulation

Phishing Simulation & Social Engineering testing is a simulated attack from the perspective of a cybercriminal, such as a black hat hacker. This process is about testing people, processes, and procedures via email, phone and on-site attempts to breach your information security.

Identify risks

Understand how susceptible your employees are to social engineering & phishing attacks.

Understand your digital footprint

Gain visibility of information about your business that can be obtained by hackers from the public domain.

Improve security awareness

Develop and implement regular security awareness programs to educate your employees.

Conduct Cybersecurity Training

Reduce the risk of your employees getting phished.

Our Security Engineers Conduct A Series Of Test Attacks that simulate the real activity of intruders and monitor the reaction of employees. The experts send the so-called phishing emails that contain a link that directs them to a specially created resource containing a form for entering their credentials. These emails may include fake notifications from banks, e-payment systems, email providers, social networks, online games, etc., and often contain attached files (normally in the form of an official document with an executable attachment or some type of archive). We conduct all of the above actions only after a prior legal agreement has been signed by our customer.

Most email phishing attack simulations and social engineering tests take 4 weeks from start to finish.

We are often asked this question and normally provide a formal quote to our customers after we have done some primary investigations to estimate the cost of the phishing test. This process takes one working day, after which we are able to provide you with a quote.

●  90% of incidents and breaches included a phishing element

●  70% of cyber-attacks use a combination of phishing and hacking

●  50% of recipients open emails and click on the links within the first hour of being sent

●  11.4 Each organization faced an average of 11.4 successful phishing attacks in 2018

●  25K Social engineering attacks cost victims on average $25,000- $100,000 per security incident, sometimes reaching millions of dollars per incident.

●  300m In 2017 Maersk didn’t count on $300 million.

● 11.9M MacEwan University (Canada) didn’t know it would be $11.9 Million when they were breached

The facts here are simple: phishing is incredibly common and very dangerous for companies. One of the solutions that can help you avoid this problem is to utilize the services of third-party cybersecurity consultants who can evaluate your company’s level of vulnerability to phishing and pharming attacks and help develop a robust anti-phishing policy with multiple stages of defense. As outlined on our website, HackControl can help protect your company from all types of phishing, including spear-phishing and help educate your employees on how to tell the difference between real and fraudulent emails and calls.

Vishing is one of the methods of fraud using social engineering and telephone communication. Vishing scammer under various pretexts encourages people to act allegedly in their interests. Often, it is difficult for people to determine when they became a victim of vishing. Users often do not understand that the service person at the other end is deceiving them with personal data. However, HackControl can help protect your company and teach your employees how to recognize potential fraud. We conduct vishing simulations so that your employees can practice how to quickly identify a vishing scammer. Our technical experts will eliminate the consequences of a security incident and provide recommendations.

Cybercriminals use Social Engineering To Penetrate An Organization’s infrastructure since the human factor is still the weakest point in any defense system. 54% of data breaches are caused by the negligence of workers or contractors clicking on suspicious emails and websites, this figure is up from 48% last year, according to the Ponemon Institute’s 2017 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-sized Businesses.

The objective of social engineering penetration testing is to simulate a cyber-attack and find security vulnerabilities that might be discovered by black hat hackers in real life. Hackers using social engineering and phishing are constantly coming up with new techniques and new means of attack, so such simulated phishing can significantly help you understand whether or not malicious attacks can be effectively handled by your security team and whether or not your people can knowingly protect themselves against such attacks. The objective of phishing simulation testing is to detect, monitor, and disarm phishing sites, malware payloads and compromised servers in near real-time mode to help you prevent losses in your business and Minimize Damage To The Reputation Of Your Company.

Talk to an Expert

1. We will review your request within 2 hours and contact you.

2. We will check your company and describe the workflow.

3. We will start cybersecurity check.

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    Vitaly is a principal consultant at Hackcontrol as wall as a business and IT thought leader. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, account management and is a specialist in cybersecurity.