Secure SDLC

SDLC (Software development lifecycle) is a series of six main phases that any software system goes through. Hackcontrol can help you with a secure development lifecycle on each stage:

Training → Design → Implementation → Verification → Release → Response

Project consulting

● Development of a secure project management plan
● Training for the project managers

Project Development control

Secure design review
● Sample code tests
● Code snippets review
● Unit security testing

QA security testing process

● QA teams training on performing penetration tests
● Development of security test cases for the QA team

Development process infrastructure

● Security tests before code development
● Code scan before testing environment
● Tests before moving to production

Secure development methodologies and documents

1. Secure development guideline documents
2. Lists of requirements for designers/architects, etc
3. Checklists for developers
4. Secure development guideline documents

Most talented developers do not have a clue how to integrate security throughout the development lifecycle. What classically happens is that at the end of the development lifecycle, right before the release stage, the security requirements are addressed and security testing is performed only to discover major vulnerabilities in the product/application which require adjustments in the application code and maybe even as far back as the application design.

Secure Software Development Life Cycle (Secure SDLC) is a method developed to ensure security issues, as well as compliance requirements, are addressed throughout the development lifecycle in the most effective way.

The classical SDLC includes addressing security from the requirements, design stage throughout the actual development and of course through the verification and release stages:

Training → Design → Implementation → Verification → Release → Response

HackControl provides full support at all levels and stages of the development lifecycle in order to help our customers achieve the security they are striving for from their products.

While companies involved in software development have great enthusiasm when it comes to creating applications, bringing them to market, and adding new features, cyber security is often seen as a hurdle on the way to success and revenue. This is a huge mistake, as software that’s not properly secured can cause great damage to a company and even destroy it altogether, causing millions of dollars worth of damage on the way. This is why more and more software developers are integrating security measures and checkpoints into their entire SDLS. This allows developers to ensure proper security of each application as it is being developed and removes the need to go back and re-do a large portion of the work once the application is ready for deployment.

Implementation of secure SDLS can save large amounts of money

While in the past, most companies performed security checks only at the final testing stage of software development, today, it is standard to perform regular cybersecurity audits and utilize the help of security consultants to discover and fix security issues early on and minimize the number of security vulnerabilities that are found at the last stages of software development. 

This approach can help save lots of money. For instance, studies conducted by the Systems Sciences Institute at IBM found that it was 15 times more expensive to fix security vulnerabilities that were discovered at the testing stage compared to the cost of fixing them at the design stage and fixing a bug discovered during the implementation stage cost 6 times as much as fixing an issue that was found during application design.

HackControl provides professional cybersecurity consulting services, which include audits performed as part of the secure software development lifecycle. Our experts have many years of experience conducting security audits, cybersecurity training, penetration tests of applications, networks, and systems, and they can ensure that your application can live up to the most rigorous cybersecurity standards.

Talk to an Expert

1. We will review your request within 2 hours and contact you.

2. We will check your company and describe the workflow.

3. We will start cybersecurity check.

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    Vitaly is a principal consultant at Hackcontrol as wall as a business and IT thought leader. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, account management and is a specialist in cybersecurity.