A Company Security Audit is a set of tools and procedures to check whether architecture and IT systems are resistant to malicious software, black hat hackers, DoS / DDoS attacks. And to ensure your employees are aware of how to avoid and deal with phishing attacks and social engineering techniques.

3) Web Application Vulnerability Assessment
Automatic security testing.
Manual testing according to PTES, OWASP Methodology.
4) DoS / DDoS Load Testing
High load testing of your code
Infrastructure Testing for service denial
5) Phishing Simulation & Social Engineering
Prevention of phishing emails, SMS, social media attacks, etc.
Social engineering technique for security awareness
1) Malware Protection And IT Security
Plan and integrate malware protection measures into IT architecture. Develop preventive measures against breaches of IT security.
2) Network Vulnerability / Security Assessment
Review IT security documentation Conduct.
IT and security audit.