Penetration Testing

Our security experts act out the role of a hacker, trying to compromise IT systems and employees to discover any potential weaknesses that could be exploited by real hackers. We collect the results of our simulated hacker attacks, summarize them and present our findings in a high-level report that contains an executive summary.

Web Application penetration testing

Improper Test

Check data input and output testing when creating applications.

API Hacks

Prevention of web application and code hack through API.

SQL Injection

Prevention of requests sending to take control over a whole database.

DoS And DDoS Attacks

Prevention of company’s service disruption.

XSS Attacks Application

Prevention of administrator session take over and website exploit.

Mobile Application (iOS, Android) testing


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Vulnerable server-side mechanism

Check security server-side policies and prevention of server hacks.

No Multifactor Authentication

Security recommendations for companies and users’ passwords.

Weak Encryption

Encryption to prevent personal data and valuable information exploitation.

Malicious Code Injection

Security assessment measures and grey-box testing.

Privileges Escalation

Prevention from inappropriate session management to escalate privileges.

Sensitive Data Storage

Creation of encryption layer to one provided by the operating system.

Network and infrastructure testing

Security Misconfiguration

Identify the most severe risks and security flaws that frequently give attackers unauthorized access to private systems or functionality.

Outdated software

Check up for vulnerable, unsupported, or out of date. Exploits search for many known vulnerabilities.

Firewall And Security Systems Review

Check the effectiveness of policies employed by firewalls and administrative infrastructure.

Default credentials review

Prevention of gaining unauthorized access or knowledge of the system, such as unpatched flaws or access default accounts, unused pages, unprotected files, and directories.

Our Methodology

Our methodology is based on the is based on generally accepted industry-wide approaches to perform penetration testing:

  • OWASP Testing guide
  • BSI A Penetration Testing Model
  • PTES Penetration Testing Execution Standard
  • OSSTMM Open Source Security Testing Methodology

Manual complemented by the custom security testing process and experience. We identify vulnerabilities that can be used to steal funds or damage the reputation of the project.

What We Offer

We offer 3 main types of web application pentest:

Black-box testing

Our security experts act the role of uninformed hackers, trying to break into the application without any information from you.

Grey-box testing

You provide us with information on the application’s functionality, credentials, and access roles.

White-Box Testing

You provide us with access to your application’s source code.

Key deliverables

Consultant Technical Report with a detailed findings section. The findings section contains:

  • screenshots and detailed description regarding the reproduction of security issues;
  • the risk level for each vulnerability;
  • remediation recommendations.

We have 7 stages:

  1. Opening Phase

We commence with a kick-off meeting with your responsible technical staff to define exactly what IT systems or employees should be tested. This highly depends on your current pain points, which we are going to find out using an individual and client-oriented approach. The necessary user accounts and access credentials will be provided and responsible contact persons and escalation channels will be defined.

  1. Planning And Reconnaissance

We collect information based on the agreement we made in the Opening Phase. Depending on the IT systems that are going to be tested, we will perform automated vulnerability scanning or port scanning to get our security experts prepared for the next active phase. This may also include gathering information about your employees to prepare for a phishing campaign.

  1. Information Validation

Our security experts validate the information gathered during the course of Planning & Reconnaissance to prove its consistency. This will help them identify potential vulnerabilities.

  1. Manual Testing

Based on industry-trending methodologies, our security experts try to exploit identified weaknesses, escalating access privileges, and attempting to gain access to stored data.

  1. Report Preparation

You will receive a report with an executive summary and all found vulnerabilities franked according to CVSS v3, along with our recommendation on how to fix them.

  1. Remediation

Based on the report, your professionals fix identified vulnerabilities.

  1. Re-Test

At this stage, there is an option for us to check the remediated points and provide you with a final report on how to fix the vulnerabilities we initially found.

According to the Cisco 2018 Annual Cybersecurity Report, 31% of security professionals reported that their organization had already experienced cyber attacks on their IT infrastructure. Further, ransomware attacks are growing by more than 350 percent annually.

Penetration Testing is considered to be one of the most common vulnerability assessment activities for companies. It is a proven method of evaluating the security of computing networks, infrastructure and application weaknesses by simulating a malicious attack.

Taking good care of your IT environment means ensuring your assets are not vulnerable to cybercriminals and cyberthreats.

Vulnerabilities that were found ranged according to CVSS v3, including our specific recommendations for fixing them.

Web applications like portals, microsites, or other online tools allow users to perform actions rather than web pages that can only display content. With the increasing complexity of web applications, the chances of finding a multitude of exploitable weaknesses are becoming higher.

It is almost impossible to detect application vulnerabilities with an automated penetration test or security assessment since no software can perform comprehensive security testing of a customized web application.

A Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigation Report found that “almost 60% of breaches involved web applications either as the asset affected, and/or a vector to the affected support.

We looked into the most common threats that web applications commonly face and that businesses have to tackle to protect their customers’ sensitive data.

App developers often ignore data input and output testing when creating applications. As many business owners believe their applications do not process critical data and hence will not be targeted by malicious actors.

Application programming interfaces (APIs) may also be compromised to hack into a web application and get access to its code. HackControl offers API penetration testing to check it for all the known vulnerabilities and provide you with a comprehensive report with recommendations on fixing found bugs.

In many web applications, there is no blocking of SQL commands on login forms, thus attracting hackers who could use automatic tools to send thousands of SQL requests to exploit access points and take control over a whole database.

One of the most feared types of attacks by system administrators. We can optionally include DoS and DDoS resistance testing into the scope of the pentest of your web application.

Hackers may inject a script, take over an administrator session, and, hence, control over the whole website and its content.

Mobile applications have become a significant part of everyday life. The number of mobile devices has been increasing heavily. With the increasing adoption of mobile application usage, it becomes crucial for businesses to protect their users by providing proper security for their sensitive personal data stored on iOS and Android devices. This becomes quite a challenge since mobile devices have become an attraction for hackers due to the number of exploitable vulnerabilities.

According to Arxan cybersecurity research, 90% of tested mobile devices and specific applications had at least 2 common mobile vulnerabilities out of 10 from OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks. 

Servers are where mobile end users’ data is stored and where the communication between a mobile application and a user happens. Basic security server-side policies are not taken into account, which results in the hacking of servers.

Most users have the same password for multiple accounts on different applications. Those passwords do not follow basic security recommendations and are gifts for Hackers Who Want To Compromise Those Applications And Systems.

Many messengers on mobile platforms and more than 13% of mobile devices have not proper encryption so that adversaries who managed to hack into those systems see personal data and other valuable content practically in plain text.

An intruder may inject malicious code into a login form to intercept the credentials and get access to a user’s personal information. We define a security assessment criteria for and perform grey-box testing, which means you let us know the necessary information about your application, like access roles, credentials, functions, etc.

Inappropriate session management gives hackers a good opportunity to escalate privileges. There are many other factors that constitute security threats to mobile devices and their users, but we’ve enumerated the most important ones.

It is common practice to store data on the client-side. The best practice is to create another encryption layer to the one provided by the operating system.

Our approach is to identify the most serious risks and security flaws first and then focus on the less obvious areas as the project proceeds. Firstly, we test the network for vulnerabilities from the outside, conducting the test from the point of view of an uninformed attacker. We then gradually increase the amount of information given to our testers until they assume the role of a trusted user of the network trying to access an unauthorized resource or service. The following list provides additional details regarding the specifics of each access level.

The consistent deployment of this approach is ensured by the use of leading security solutions. Further, the expertise of our staff, combined with the use of comprehensive work-programs that enhance quality control procedures, allows us to consistently deliver the best customer experience.

To ensure your security, we create Real-World Attack Scenarios in a controlled and professional fashion. HackControl helps to ensure your sensitive data is properly protected, and compliance requirements are being met by imitating the attacks of real hackers.

The purpose of a hacker is to establish if it is possible to gain unauthorized access, having either limited or no knowledge about the targeted network.

The goal is to establish if a hacker can gain unauthorized logical access through an external network. A hacker has the same access level as a customer or supplier.

Identify if a user can manipulate key controls that protect the company’s system(s). Estimate if the company has procedures in place to respond to such activities and protect the system effectively. Security assessment of sensitive servers and workstations, if there are any.

Analyze the effectiveness of policies employed by your firewalls and administrative infrastructure Review the following: Configuration of the operating system to ensure secure implementation.

Procedures and processes are responsible for the monitoring and reporting of incidents on the firewall.

Talk to an Expert

1. We will review your request within 2 hours and contact you.

2. We will check your company and describe the workflow.

3. We will start cybersecurity check.

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    Vitaly is a principal consultant at Hackcontrol as wall as a business and IT thought leader. He has over 15 years of experience in consulting, account management and is a specialist in cybersecurity.